Timbangan elektronik perlu juga perhatian untuk perawatannya, Perawatan dan pemakaian yang benar akan membuat timbangan menjadi lebih tahan lama. Berikut ini saya sampaikan perawatannya sebagai berikut :
Electronic scales should also care for the treatment, care and correct usage will make the scales become more durable. Here I have to maintain as follows:
Electronic scales should also care for the treatment, care and correct usage will make the scales become more durable. Here I have to maintain as follows:
1. Timbangan jangan di taruh di tempat yang mendapat sinar matahari langsung.
The scales do not put it in a place that gets direct sunlight.
The scales do not put it in a place that gets direct sunlight.
2. Bila timbangan di pakai di tempat basah maka keringkan timbangan setelah pekerjaan selesai.
When the scales in use in the wet then dry weights after the work is finished.
When the scales in use in the wet then dry weights after the work is finished.
3. Timbangan yang memakai aki kering atau rechargeable usahakan jangan terus-terusan di
charge listrik.
Scales that use dry battery or rechargeable try not kept in electric charge.
Scales that use dry battery or rechargeable try not kept in electric charge.
4. Bila memungkinkan pakailah stabilisator tegangan atau Stavolt.
If possible Use a voltage stabilizer.
If possible Use a voltage stabilizer.
5. Pada saat di pakai taruhlah benda yang akan di timbang dengan perlahan. Peletakan
dengan kasar akan menimbulkan beban kejut. Beban tersebut yang sering akan merusak
At the time of use of the object to be put on weigh slowly. laying down
the rough will cause shock loads. The load that often will break
6. Pakailah timbangan dibawah agak jauh dari kapasitas. Bila seumpama kapasitas
At the time of use of the object to be put on weigh slowly. laying down
the rough will cause shock loads. The load that often will break
6. Pakailah timbangan dibawah agak jauh dari kapasitas. Bila seumpama kapasitas
timbangan 300kg maka diusahakan jangan sering dipakai dimendekati angka 300kg. Bila
sering dipakai sekitar 300kg maka belilah timbangan kapasitas 500kg.
Use a bit away from the scales below the scale capacity. When the scales 300kg then sought not commonly used approaching 300kg. when
often used about 300kg then buy scales 500kg capacity.
Use a bit away from the scales below the scale capacity. When the scales 300kg then sought not commonly used approaching 300kg. when
often used about 300kg then buy scales 500kg capacity.