Cara pemakaian timbangan elektronik sebagai berikut :
How to use electronic scales as follows:
1. Taruh timbangan di tempat yang rata. Tempat yang miring untuk menaruh timbangan
akan mempengaruhi hasil penimbangan.
Put in place a flat scales. Sloping place to put the weighing scales will affect the results.
Put in place a flat scales. Sloping place to put the weighing scales will affect the results.
2. Kaki-kaki timbangan harus semua menyentuh lantai tempat timbangan.
Scales legs should touch the floor where all the scales.
Scales legs should touch the floor where all the scales.
3. Lantai tempat timbangan harus kokoh. Timbangan tidak boleh ditempatkan di tempat
meja yang lentur. Untuk tanah yang lembek juga tidak disarankan untuk tempat
The floor where the scales should be sturdy. Scales should not be placed on the table bending place. For the soft soil is also not recommended to place the scales.
4. Bila timbangan sudah menempat tempat yang benar seperti diatas selanjutnya
hidupkan timbangan.
When the scales have been placed in the correct place as described above, the next turn on the scales.
When the scales have been placed in the correct place as described above, the next turn on the scales.
5. Cara menghidupkan timbangan juga ada berbagai macam antara lain :
How to turn on the scales there are also various kinds, among others:
How to turn on the scales there are also various kinds, among others:
a. Ada timbangan yang begitu di tancapkan ke listrik langsung menyala tanpa kita
menyentuh tombol apapun.
There are scales that are so in to the mains plug directly on without us touching any buttons.
There are scales that are so in to the mains plug directly on without us touching any buttons.
b. Timbangan yang memiliki switch on/off seperti gambar dibawah ini. Kebanyakan
switch seperti ini letaknya tersembunyi bisa di bawah timbangan atau di
belakang timbangan.
scales that have the switch on / off as shown below. Most of these switches can be located hidden under scales or scales behind.
scales that have the switch on / off as shown below. Most of these switches can be located hidden under scales or scales behind.
Gambar Indicator dengan switch on/off
Figure Indicator with switch on / off
c. Tombol on/off di keypad timbangan. Kalau model ini tempatnya pasti di depan dan
kelihatan dengan jelas. Contoh seperti gambar di bawah ini :
On / off button on the keypad scales. If this model is definitely in front of his place and clearly visible. Examples like the picture below:
Gambar Indicator dan timbangan dengan Keypad on/off
Figure Indicator and scales with Keypad on / off
6. Setelah dihidupkan selanjutnya tunggu sampai timbangan benar-benar menunjuk angka
nol ( 0 ).
After waiting until the next turn on the scales is really pointing to the
zero (0).
7. kalau timbangan tidak menunjuk angka nol ( 0 ) tekan tombol zero supaya angka
timbangan menjadi nol ( 0 ).
If the scales are not at zero (0) hit the zero order rate scales to zero (0).
8. Timbangan siap dipakai.
Scales ready for use.